Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Today is my wedding anniversary. How did we celebrate? Well actually we started out by doing chores this morning and ended by doing chores tonight. So goes the anniversary of most farm or ranch wives. My wife is a saint and I feel very blessed that she picked me.

Farm and ranch wives are partners in the operation in the truest sense of the word. Jennifer is out with me everyday, knee deep in the mud, choking in the dust and working long-hard hours. She has a degree in animal science and is integral in any decision we make. She is my partner in every way.

Being a farm or ranch wife also means sacrificing and many times doing without. I am sure there are many things Jennifer would like to have, but she understands the economics of agriculture and somehow makes due with what we have. She deserves much more than she has but understands the dedication it takes to survive in agriculture.

Each year I count this day as the anniversary of the best day of my life. This is the day I married my best friend, my biggest supporter and my partner. Like most men in agriculture, I am pretty sure I am not very good at expressing that to her and I could not do this on my own. Beside every man in agriculture is a woman who supports, guides and loves them and I am no different.

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