Well, once again my unerring sense of timing and attention
to the calendar rose up to bite me in the posterior. I blew it because I missed
National 4-H Week. How could I miss writing a column about something that has
impacted my life and more importantly, the life of my kids? I would like to
blame it on a busy schedule or maybe harvest, but in the end, I just blew it.
These thoughts came to mind this past week as my daughter
and I made a college visit and on the way home I started thinking about how we
got to this point. Much of that pointed right back to her involvement in 4-H
and FFA. She is considering going to college on a livestock judging scholarship
and that is a direct connection to her involvement in 4-H and FFA.
Sometimes life is just funny. I spent a lifetime of coaching
4-H livestock judging teams and trying to convince my 4-Hers that livestock
judging was a better and more sure way to earn a scholarship than athletics. I
told them that every member of my judging teams came out with a scholarship
offer and asked them to quiz their coaches about how that compared to sports.
However, when it came to my own daughter I was blinded by the lure of sports
Don’t get me wrong, she was and still is a pretty good
softball player. I love to watch her play and for a long time we thought she
would play college softball. Then life happened. Between disappointing seasons
and mounting injuries softball lost some of its glitz. More importantly, during
this time period she was on some pretty good judging teams and had more success
than either one of us could have imagined including a state championship.
However, I kept pushing softball going against everything I
had done as a coach. I ignored the benefits I had gotten from judging in
college and those benefits went well beyond the scholarships that paid for my
college. Finally, it was my daughter who, admittedly, is much smarter than me
and suggested that judging should probably be her path. As we talked I could
not have been happier or prouder of her for being more astute and pursuing this
All of this was made possible by her involvement in 4-H.
Again, in reflection, we spent many hours over many summers at softball fields
and I must wonder just how many of those girls were going to college on a
softball scholarship. I would not have traded those summers for anything and
that time was valuable but it pales in comparison to her 4-H experience.
The skills she gained as a 4-Her go well beyond livestock
judging also. I am quite confident that she will earn a number of other
scholarships that will help greatly in paying for college. The skills and the
experience that will help her in those applications are a direct result of her
involvement and leadership in 4-H.
We have already seen the benefits of 4-H involvement with
our son. He is currently in college pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine.
This academic pursuit is a direct result of his involvement in the veterinary
science project in 4-H and the guidance of some awesome volunteers who helped
him along the way.
I know all of this sounds like bragging from a proud parent
and I will not make any apologies for that but that is not my point. We are now
a year away from ending our run as 4-H parents and the view in retrospect is
awesome. I guess I always knew that 4-H had played a huge role in my life and
that the experiences and skills I gained were invaluable, but I am not sure I
valued it as much as I do now.
We live in such a sports crazed society that often we miss
the most obvious, important things right in front of us. I am speaking for
myself, I really like sports and I know I placed far too much importance on
them but maybe others can learn from my experience. Fortunately, my kids are a
lot smarter than I am.
Unlike sports, 4-H offers something for every kid, something
in which they can find their passion, hone their skills and gain valuable
experience. 4-H opens doors that might otherwise might be hidden and paves the
way for one’s life work. There are many youth organizations that are equally as
great but 4-H is the one I know and the one I have seen make huge impacts on
the life of those involved.
I must admit that there is a great deal of satisfaction that
my daughter is following the same path I did, despite my shortsightedness. A
path made possible by the opportunities provided through 4-H. I guess in the
end maybe I didn’t miss 4-H Week. Because, every week is 4-H Week for us because
of the impact it has had on our lives and for that I am grateful.
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