Saturday, January 19, 2019

My New Years Resolutions

Its hard to believe but 2018 is already in the rearview mirror. It was for the most part a difficult year with weather calamities, trade woes and never-ending challenges but it is now history and we survived it. I am pretty sure that it will be one of those years we talk about for many years to come and one that I don’t mind ushering out the door. Good or bad it did seem to fly by and a speed at which I find alarming. Its funny how each year goes by more quickly than the last.
In any case, 2018 is now in the history books and 2019 is a blank clean slate. The trade issues have not been fully resolved and the weather is continuing its manic mood swings, but I think I share the same outlook as many of you and that is one of optimism. Sure, things in the world of agriculture are not rosy and pretty but the sense of hope that each of us approach the new year with is what keeps us going.
I have many hopes for a better 2019, at some point we all know the ag economy will turn around and the promise of better days seems to be on the horizon. The weather is a complete unknown but last year was so extreme that it makes me thing that this year will be closer to normal, whatever that is. As I told Dad when we finished harvest in December, I hope this is one of those years I tell my grandkids about. The weather in 2019 must be better.
I have not done New Year’s Resolutions in many years, I always say that my New Year’s Resolution is to not make a resolution. However, this year and in hope of making a clean slate I think some goals are in order.  First, I resolve to be more patient. My patience has always been my Achilles heel, too many things to do and not enough time for things to not go right. I will work at having more patience with everything in my life be it animal or mechanical and especially with my family. I would guess they fully expect this one to be history on January 2nd.
My health is my second resolution. I have not always been the most diligent when it comes to taking care of myself, I don’t even have a doctor. My excuse is that I don’t have time to get a check-up, eating right is something I will do tomorrow, and those aches and pains will go away on their own. I don’t have time to be sick. When you write it down, that all seems kind of silly and alarmingly dumb. I resolve to take better care of myself and to get acquainted with a new doctor. I would guess that my family won’t have a lot of faith in me on this resolution also, but they will give me until the end of January.
Third, I will try to say no a little more often. Those of you who know me, know this will be the one that is the hardest to do. I don’t know what is wrong with me, I commit to too many things and struggle to get them all done. It is time that I focus on the priorities in my life and let some things go. I would guess my family will give me until January 3rd maybe the 4th on this one.
So, in review, I resolve to be more patient, healthier and prioritize my time. Nothing too lofty here, they should be a snap to achieve. After all, how hard could it be for me to get my life in order. The reality is that just like everyone else, life will set in and I will lose my patience with man, machine or beast and probably all three soon after the New Year starts. I will come up with all kinds of excuses to go off my diet and run out of time to go to the doctor. I am also sure that my phone will ring shortly after the first and someone will ask me to help with something and without thinking I will agree to help.
The truth about New Year’s Resolutions are that they are goals and things we need to do better. They shouldn’t be easy, and we should always be a work in process. Failure one day or one time should not be a reason to abandon them but a reminder to work harder. Of course, like making those resolutions saying we will stick with them is easy now and very difficult later.
I hope you will go into 2019 with the resolve to make your life better, that you will see the good in everything and appreciate the blessings around you. I hope your year is successful and profitable but most importantly I hope you are surrounded by family and friends. 2018 is history and 2019 is our hope, and my hope is for a great year for each of you.

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