Saturday, January 19, 2019

Farm Birthdays

When I started a column I first put the date on the top of the page. That was when I noticed that my birthday is coming up next week. To be honest I had not thought about next week being my birthday, I guess I have reached the point in my life where birthdays just aren’t that important anymore. Don’t get me wrong, they are important from the standpoint that you want to make sure you have them, but they just don’t have much significance anymore.
When you are a farm kid and your birthday is in the fall during harvest you get used to your birthday not being a real big deal. I know, I was really abused. Sure, Mom made my favorite meal and I got a birthday cake, but I only had one party in my whole life and it ended when I accidentally ran over my buddy Gus with my bike. Of course, that would never have happened if I had gotten the new bike I asked for as a birthday present.
Its funny how things change over the years. Back when I was a kid I was upset if we were harvesting during my birthday. Now I will be thrilled if I am in the field picking corn next week, and I can’t think of a better present than a good day free of break downs. I guess it is all about perspective, that and who is paying the bills. Life and birthdays were much easier when I was a kid. I wonder why I was so excited about turning eighteen and becoming an adult.
I have gone past all the birthdays we look forward to, eighteen and twenty-one and have started into the birthdays where they are simply a reminder that I have another tally mark on the door jam of geezerhood. At least this birthday doesn’t end with a zero or five and a public reminder that I am approaching ancient.
My next anticipated birthday would be sixty-five and that is many years away and even then, I am not sure if I should be excited. I am sure that the government will move the start date for Social Security back farther. It might be a carrot on the end of a stick for me, dangling out there always just out of reach. I view retirement as a mythic concept like global peace, nice ideas that will never really happen.
When it comes to presents I guess I have reached the point where generally I have bought it if I need it. If the item is a want and not a need, then those buying my birthday presents probably can’t afford it. I also have two kids in college and I would rather they just save their money and spend it on their tuition and we all get more benefit out of it. The truth of the matter is that I am no different than anyone else and I appreciate presents and the thought behind them, it does mean someone cares.
I do look forward to my birthday meal with great anticipation. Yes, I am old and sadly enough, often the next meal is what I am looking forward to the most. That is probably why I look like I do should find other things that peak my interest. No matter why, the thing I look forward to the most about birthdays is the meal. Yes, in part because it often includes some of my favorite foods but also because it is a time that we as a family do eat together. This is the first birthday as empty nesters, so it might also be an excuse for date night, which would be good too.
No matter the circumstances, what is going on or what my plans might end up being, it will be my birthday and there is no getting around that or putting it off. It is a good time for self-reflection and being mindful of all the blessings I have in my life. Is my life perfect? No, but it is better than I deserve, and I am an awfully lucky guy.  I have two smart kids doing well in college, a great wife who puts up with me and I go to work at my dream job every day. It probably doesn’t get any better than that.
While it is true that I am at the point in my life that birthdays don’t have the same appeal as they once did, they are still important. They mean you have survived another year, enjoyed some good moments and learned from some challenges. That year was spent with family and friends and that time cannot be measured. Yes, they are a sign of getting older but there is only one way you don’t have another birthday and I am having too much fun for that. So, pass the cake and ice cream because I am old and need to make sure I have enough energy for another year.

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